Ninja no Sato. Mie Prefecture Iga city.Restaurant in front of Ueno-shi station.
language:日本語 / English

Iga beef bowl and Hamburg steak Set shop "Goemon".
Iga city famous for Iga Ninja. A restaurant in front of Ueno-shi station in that city.
There is a Iga beef set menu centering on Japanese and Western food.
Cook using Iga beef of feature special product. There are sweets dishes using carefully selected Matcha.
Please come by all means.

Food of commitment
  • Use local Iga rice

    "Iga rice Koshihikari" is rice with high quality and delicious taste characterized by taste, scent and stickiness, and sweetness increases as chewing.


Store information
All menus are handmade, so it takes a while to provide it. We ask for your kind understanding and cooperation.
  • Address 〒518-0873 三重県伊賀市上野丸之内500 ハイトピア伊賀 2F
    "Haitopia Iga" second floor, Ueno Marunouchi 500, Iga-shi, Mie, 518-0873, Japan
    Telephone number 0595-24-0088
    Closed Irregularly
    Shop hours 11:00 ~ 22:00 (L.O.21:30)